Digital Marketing – Teaching Resources

I have launched a new section on this site, Digital Marketing, which features resources that have supported the development and delivery of my courses related to digital marketing, to include the Course Syllabus for my MBA Digital Marketing and IMC course in Fall 2019.  

Over the years, I have actively sought to create a curriculum that recognizes and values diversity and inclusion of all students and learning styles.  As such, each course that I teach involves various Assessments to include class participation (verbal and written) as well as independent and team-based projects.  I have also outlined a few of the Teaching Strategies that I have found helpful.

I highlight one particular assignment, the Perfect Pitch video, which has proven to be an excellent exercise for inspiring students to creatively express their personal brands.  I have posted my lecture slides, as well as journal articles, related to this topic in Related Scholarship.

Finally, I am a fervent believer in lifelong learning and have included a list of digital marketing certifications in Professional Development.   In addition, I have included a presentation from my own professional development … my dissertation on the evaluation of a Global Business Minor program that involved a hybrid format of one week at W&M, three weeks of online learning and eight weeks at University College Dublin.


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